Updating / Deleting Pages published to Salesforce Knowledge
Once a Confluence page has been posted to Salesforce as Knowledge Article, either in draft mode or published mode (visible in selected channels), its reference to the article from Salesforce (Article ID, URL), along with local metadata, are stored in the Confluence page properties.
Some of the attributes stored with the page are:
Article ID/URL (from Salesforce)
Published mode (Draft or Visible)
Published timestamp
Version of published page
Article attributes (Categories, Channels, etc.)
The page is also marked as published to Salesforce and transitioned to ‘Update to Salesforce’ state (shown below). This allows for subsequent updates to the Article as the page undergoes revisions and updates in Confluence.
Knowledge:Bridge also provides various options via the drop down menu (shown above on the right) for actions that can be taken on the published page.
Publish History – Reflects the publishing activity performed on the page for posting as Salesforce Knowledge Article
Update to Salesforce – This option (also available at the top of the page) allows you to update a previously published page.
SF Article Info – This option displays page metadata, especially as published in Salesforce (screenshot below). The page metadata and history associated with the publishing action is easily accessed via the ‘Article’ button on the page header, as shown below. Also accessible in the pop up is the view-only URL of the Article in Salesforce. This allows the page author to view the page content and style, as it would appear in Salesforce.
Update Salesforce Metadata – Provides the option to update Categories, Channels, and Record Type associated with a previously published page.
Delete Knowledge Article – Allows you to delete a previously published page from Salesforce Knowledge. Metadata assigned to the page along with previous Publish history are maintained.
Updating Pages published to Salesforce Knowledge
The ‘Update to Salesforce’ button on the page header allows you to update a Salesforce Knowledge Article from the Confluence page from which it was initially published.
Clicking on the ‘Update to Salesforce’ button results in a pop up that summarizes the current publish attributes.
It also scans the page for any links to other Confluence pages that may not have been published. If you continue, these links to Confluence pages will be retained in the content published to Salesforce and only users who have access to these pages in Confluence will be able to navigate to them. This scan gives you the option to resolve the links/references prior to initially publishing or updating the Article. If the referenced pages have previously been published to Salesforce as Knowledge Articles, Knowledge:Bridge will replace these links with the corresponding ones in Salesforce.
Finally, when the corresponding Salesforce Article is updated from this page, a pop up provides the confirmation, along with additional details.