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Reset Knowledge:Bridge Configuration and Data in a space

Knowledge:Bridge stores configuration and data in each Confluence space in which it is enabled in Entity Properties. The configuration refers to the items above that determine how content from a space will be published to Salesforce, as well as, the metadata to be used for that page. The data refers to the history, version, etc associated with each page that is published to Salesforce Knowledge Articles.

Knowledge:Bridge provides the option to remove either the configuration or both the configuration and data from the space. Configuration may need to be reset if publishing characteristics need to be revised or reset. Data may need to be removed if the space is no longer used for publishing content to Salesforce.

A space previously configured for Knowledge:Bridge can be reset if 1) it is no longer being used to publish pages to Salesforce Knowledge Articles, or 2) if it needs to be reconfigured for Knowledge:Bridge. Knowledge:Bridge provides the Remove option in Space Tools that removes existing configuration and metadata and resets the space so it is no longer active for publishing to Salesforce.

It is important to note that the Remove option only acts on Knowledge:Bridge data and configuration. It does not affect space content (pages, etc.).

Remove provides the option to backup Knowledge:Bridge data and configuration prior to deleting it from the space.

Once Remove is executed, the space is reset and all Knowledge:Bridge configuration (and data, if opted) are removed.

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