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zAgileConnect API Reference (Beans)

ZCBeans Classes

ZCBeans.ApiOptions Class

global class ApiOptions
Defines options for API operations



global Boolean userImpersonate


global ApiOptions()

Constructor for ApiOptions

ZCBeans.AttachmentRequestResult Class

global class AttachmentRequestResult
The result of attaching a file on Issue operation returned by a ZC API method


global AttachmentRequestResult(String errorMessage)

Constructor when the result is not successful

global AttachmentRequestResult()

Constructor when the result is successful

global String getErrorMessage()

Returns error message

Return Value

error message

global Boolean hasError()

Indicate whether the given response has any errors.

Return Value

true if the response indicates an error; false otherwise

ZCBeans.AvailableTransitionsResult Class

global class AvailableTransitionsResult
The result of retrieving available transitions


global AvailableTransitionsResult(Map<String, Object> transitionsData, String errorMessage)

Constructor, builds result using the transition data pulled from Jira.

global TransitionIssueBean buildIssueTransitionFromName(String transitionName)

Returns a TransitionIssueBean with a given transition name

Return Value

TransitionIssueBean with transitions data available

global List<String> getAvailableTransitionsNames()

Returns available Transition names

Return Value

List possible Transitions Issue can take

global String getErrorMessage()

Error Returns error message from Jira.

Return Value

error message

global Map<String, Object> getTransitionsData()

Returns Transitions metadata

Return Value

Map with raw data about transitions returned by JIRA Service

global Boolean hasError()

Returns if there was a problem pulling available transitions

Return Value

True if exists any error message

ZCBeans.GenericErrorMessage Class

global class GenericErrorMessage
Error message object used to post API errors on Salesforce Entity (Supports Case only)


global void addErrorMessage(String errorMessage)

Adds error message


String  errorMessage

global GenericErrorMessage(Id entityId, String errorMessage)

Constructor for a single error message


Id entityId Salesforce object ID where the error will be posted
String  errorMessage

global GenericErrorMessage(Id entityId, List<String> errorMessages)

Constructor for a list of error messages


Id entityId Salesforce object ID where the errors will be posted
List<String>  errorMessages

global List<String> getErrorMessages()

Returns the error messages

Return Value

error messages

ZCBeans.IdIssueFieldValue Class

global class IdIssueFieldValue implements NameOrIdIssueFieldValue, KeyOrIdIssueFieldValue
Issue field value represented by <b>ID</b> attribute


global String getId()

Returns ID

Return Value

String Id

global IdIssueFieldValue(String id)

Contructor for object that represents a Jira field of type Id.

global void setId(String id)

Sets ID value


String  id

global override String toString()

returns the representation of the field in String

Return Value

the string representation.

ZCBeans.IssueCommentResult Class

global class IssueCommentResult
The result of comment on Issue operation returned by a ZC API method



global String issueKeyOrId


global String getErrorMessage()

Returns error message

Return Value

error message

global String getIssueCommentId()

Returns Issue comment ID

Return Value

issue comment Id

global Boolean hasError()

Indicate whether the given response has any errors.

Return Value

true if the response indicates an error; false otherwise

global IssueCommentResult(String issueKeyOrId, String issueCommentId)

Constructor, it builds a result with successful and relevant information

global IssueCommentResult(String issueKeyOrId, String issueCommentId, String errorMessage)

Constructor, it builds a bean when the result is not successful

ZCBeans.IssueDeleteResult Class

global class IssueDeleteResult extends IssueLinkUnlinkDeleteResult
The result of delete Issue operation returned by a ZC API method


global IssueDeleteResult(String issueKey)

Constructor, it builds a bean when the result is successful

global IssueDeleteResult(String issueKey, String errorMessage)

Constructor, it builds a bean when the result is not successful

ZCBeans.IssueLinkUnlinkDeleteResult Class

global virtual class IssueLinkUnlinkDeleteResult
The result of link, unlink or delete Issue operation returned by a ZC API method



global String errorMessage


global String issueKey


  • hasError()
    Indicate whether the given response has any errors.

global Boolean hasError()

Indicate whether the given response has any errors.

Return Value

true if the response indicates an error; false otherwise

ZCBeans.IssueLinkUnlinkResult Class

global class IssueLinkUnlinkResult extends IssueLinkUnlinkDeleteResult
The result of link or unlink Issue operation returned by a ZC API method


global IssueLinkUnlinkResult(String issueKey)

Constructor, it builds a bean when the result is successful

global IssueLinkUnlinkResult(String issueKey, String errorMessage)

Constructor, it builds a bean when the result is not successful

ZCBeans.IssueTemplate Class

global class IssueTemplate
The template to create or update an Issue


global void addAffectVersion(NameOrIdIssueFieldValue version)

Adds an Issue affects version value


NameOrIdIssueFieldValue  version

global void addComponent(NameOrIdIssueFieldValue component)

Adds an Issue component


NameOrIdIssueFieldValue  component

global void addCustomField(String field, Object value)

Adds an Issue custom field


String  field
Object value of the custom field with the structure as expected by the JIRA REST API

global void addFixVersion(NameOrIdIssueFieldValue fixVersion)

Adds an Issue fix version value


NameOrIdIssueFieldValue  fixVersion

global void addLabel(String label)

Adds an Issue label


String  label

global List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue> getAffectVersions()

Returns Issue affects versions

Return Value

issue affect versions

global NameIssueFieldValue getAssignee()

Returns Issue assignee

Return Value

issue assignee

global List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue> getComponents()

Returns Issue components

Return Value

issue components

global Map<String, Object> getCustomFields()

Returns Issue custom fields

Return Value

issue custom fields

global String getDescription()

Returns Issue description

Return Value

issue description

global String getDuedate()

Returns due date

Return Value

issue dueDate

global String getEnvironment()

Returns Issue environment

Return Value

issue environment

global List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue> getFixVersions()

Returns Issue fix versions

Return Value

issue fixVersions

global NameOrIdIssueFieldValue getIssueType()

Returns the JIRA issue type Name or ID

Return Value

NameOrIdIssueFieldValue issueType

global List<String> getLabels()

Returns Issue labels

Return Value

issue labels

global NameOrIdIssueFieldValue getPriority()

Returns the Issue priority

Return Value

issue priority

global KeyOrIdIssueFieldValue getProject()

Returns the JIRA project key or ID

Return Value

KeyOrIdIssueFieldValue project

global NameIssueFieldValue getReporter()

Returns Issue reporter

Return Value

issue reporter

global String getSummary()

Returns Issue summary

Return Value

issue summary

global IssueTemplate(String issueKey)

Constructor to create an Issue template for issue update from scratch


issueKey issue key

global IssueTemplate(Id entityId)

Constructor to create an Issue template for issue create from scratch


entityId Salesforce object entity ID. The created issue will be linked to this entity.

global void setAffectVersions(List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue> versions)

Sets Issue affects versions


List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue>  versions

global void setAssignee(NameIssueFieldValue assignee)

Sets Issue assignee


NameIssueFieldValue assignee name field value

global void setComponents(List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue> components)

Sets issue components


List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue>  components

global void setCustomFields(Map<String, Object>customFields)

Sets Issue custom fields using a Map of field values


Map<String,Object>  customFields

global void setDescription(String description)

Sets Issue description


String  description

global void setDuedate(Date duedate)

Sets Issue due date


Date  dueDate

global void setDuedateString(String duedate)

Sets Issue due date


String  dueDate

global void setEntityId(Id entityId)

Sets the Salesforce object entity ID. The created issue will be linked to this entity.


Id  entityId

global void setEnvironment(String environment)

Sets Issue environment


String  environment

global void setFixVersions(List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue> fixVersions)

Sets Issue fix versions


List<NameOrIdIssueFieldValue>  fixVersions

global void setIssueType(NameOrIdIssueFieldValue issueType)

Sets the JIRA issue type Name or ID


NameOrIdIssueFieldValue  issueType

global void setLabels(List<String>labels)

Sets Issue labels


List<String>  labels

global void setPriority(NameOrIdIssueFieldValue priority)

Sets the Issue priority


NameOrIdIssueFieldValue  priority

global void setProject(KeyOrIdIssueFieldValue project)

Sets the JIRA project key or ID


KeyOrIdIssueFieldValue  project

global void setReporter(NameIssueFieldValue reporter)

Sets Issue reporter


NameIssueFieldValue  reporter

global void setSummary(String summary)

Sets Issue summary


String  summary

ZCBeans.IssueUpsertResult Class

global class IssueUpsertResult
The result of create or update Issue operation returned by a ZC API method


  • getEntityId()
    Returns the Id of the Salesforce Object referenced by this Result
  • getErrorMessages()
    Returns create or update Issue error messages. An error message prevents the Issue from being created or updated
  • getIssueId()
    Returns the Issue ID for the Issue created or updated
  • getIssueKey()
    Returns the Issue Key for the Issue created or updated
  • getWarningMessages()
    Returns create or update Issue warning messages. A warning message does not prevent the Issue to be created or updated
  • hasError()
    Returns true if there is at least one error message
  • hasWarnings()
    Returns true if there is at least one warning message

global Id getEntityId()

Returns the Id of the Salesforce Object referenced by this Result

Return Value

Id EntityId

global List<String> getErrorMessages()

Returns create or update Issue error messages. An error message prevents the Issue from being created or updated

Return Value

List<String> a list of error messages

global String getIssueId()

Returns the Issue ID for the Issue created or updated

Return Value

id of the Jira Issue

global String getIssueKey()

Returns the Issue Key for the Issue created or updated

Return Value

key of the Jira Issue

global List<String> getWarningMessages()

Returns create or update Issue warning messages. A warning message does not prevent the Issue to be created or updated

Return Value

List<String> WarningMessages

global Boolean hasError()

Returns true if there is at least one error message

Return Value

true if the response indicates an error; false otherwise

global Boolean hasWarnings()

Returns true if there is at least one warning message

Return Value

true if the response indicates a warning; false otherwise

ZCBeans.KeyIssueFieldValue Class

global class KeyIssueFieldValue implements KeyOrIdIssueFieldValue
Issue field value represented by <b>Key</b> attribute


global String getKey()

Returns key

Return Value

the key value

global KeyIssueFieldValue(String key)

Constructor for object that represents a Jira field of type key.

global void setKey(String key)

Sets key value


String  key

global override String toString()

returns the representation of the field in String

Return Value

the string representation.

ZCBeans.NameIssueFieldValue Class

global class NameIssueFieldValue implements NameOrIdIssueFieldValue
Issue field value represented by <b>Name</b> attribute


global String getName()

Returns name

Return Value

String name

global NameIssueFieldValue(String name)

global void setName(String name)

Sets name value


String  name

global override String toString()

returns the representation of the field in String

Return Value

the string representation.

ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment Class

global class SalesforceAttachment
The Salesforce Attachment used as input by a ZC API method


global SalesforceAttachment(Id salesforceFileID, String issueKey)

ZCBeans.TransitionIssueBean Class

global class TransitionIssueBean
A transition to be executed


global String getComment()

Returns Transition comment

Return Value


global Object getFieldById(String fieldId)

Get field object by Id.

Return Value

Field Value

global Object getFieldByName(String fieldName)

Get field object by name.

Return Value

Transition Field value

global Map<String, Object> getFieldDataByName(String fieldName)

Retrieves a Transition screen field metadata (type, allowed values, required)

Return Value

Map<String, Object> Field Metadata by Name

global Map<String, Object> getFields()

Returns Transition screen fields

Return Value

Map<String, Object> fields

global List<String> getFieldsNames()

Retrieves the Transition screen field names (requires transition metadata)

Return Value

fields Names

global List<String> getRequiredFieldsNames()

Retrieves the Transition screen required field names (requires transition metadata)

Return Value

Required Fields Names

global Integer getTransitionId()

Returns Transition Id

Return Value

transition Id

global void populateFieldsWith(IssueTemplate issueTemplate)

Populates transition screen fields from an issue template.

global void setComment(String comment)

Sets Transition comment

global void setFieldById(String fieldId, Object fieldValue)

Sets Transition screen field value by id.

global void setFieldByName(String fieldName, Object fieldValue)

Sets Transition screen field value by name(requires transition metadata)

global String toJSON()

returns a JSON compatible with JIRA REST API request.

Return Value

Issue Transition request as JSON

global TransitionIssueBean(Integer transitionId)

Constructor receives Transition Id. Use this constructor when you do not have the metadata of the transition. Please note, you can not use validateAndSanitize if you build the bean this way.

Return Value

TransitionIssueBean without transitions metadata available

global String validateAndSanitize()

Validates if the TransitionBean has all required fields set and remove all fields that do not exist in metadata; If any required field is not set it will return a warning message (requires transition metadata)

Return Value

Warning Message

ZCBeans.TransitionIssueResult Class

global class TransitionIssueResult
The result of executing a transition.


global String getErrorMessage()

Returns Error Message

Return Value

Error Message

global String getIssueKey()

Returns Issue Key

Return Value

Issue Key

global Boolean hasError()

Returns true if there was an error performing the transition.

global TransitionIssueResult(String issueKey, String errorMessage)

Constructor, it builds the result bean.

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