How to Notify Case Owner on Jira Issue Transitions using zAgileConnect
This document provides a simple example of how a Salesforce Flow may be used to notify the Case Owner via email on updates to the Issue Status received from Jira.
When an Issue Status is changed in Jira as a result of a workflow transition, the updated Status is sent to Salesforce to the ZIssue_c custom object provided with the zAgileConnect package. (Note: This assumes that the Issue Status field is shared with Salesforce). This Status update to ZIssue_c object can be used in a Flow to notify the Case owner.
To begin, we create a Flow that is executed on ZIssue__c update, retrieves all Cases related to that Issue, and performs an update on each of those Cases.
Create a new Record-Triggered Flow for after ZIssue update event that executes only when Status changes.
Add a Get Records element to retrieve relationships from the junction object ZIssue_Case
Add a Loop element to iterate over each relationship (the result of the previous Get Records element)
Add an Assignment element and create a new text collection resource to capture email addresses
Collect the Case owner email for each iteration into the resource created in the previous step, use the value: {!For_each_relationship.zsfjira__CaseId__r.Owner:User.Email}
Add a Send Email element and set the fields as below (note you can use formula fields or text templates to provide rich email body, the example below only sets a simple body)
Save and Activate the Flow