zAgileConnect API – Sending Attachments to Jira Issues from Salesforce – Usage & Examples
Requires the user executing the API to have a valid zAgileConnect license
Build attachments reference array.
zAgileConnect supports three types of files for sending to Jira Issue:
- ContentDocument
- Document
- Attachment
To send files to Jira Issue, create an array of the class ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment as follows:
List<zsfjira.ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment> attachments = new List<zsfjira.ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment>();
The instance of ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment contains the File ID and the Issue Key (or issue keys) where you want to send the file.
To send to a single Issue:
Id fileId = ...;
String issueKey = ...;
zsfjira.ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment attachment = new zsfjira.ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment(fileId,issueKey);
To send to multiple Issues:
Id fileId = ...;
Set<String> issueKeys = ...;
zsfjira.ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment attachment = new zsfjira.ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment(fileId,issueKeys);
The ID should be of an object of type ContentDocument, Document or Attachment.
Sending Attachments to Jira
The Send request is an asynchronous task and a response is posted following completion. You may specify an ID of the object where you want any errors to be posted.
Id onErrorEntityID = ...;
List<zsfjira.ZCBeans.SalesforceAttachment> attachments = ...;
zsfjira.ZC.Issues.sendAttachments(onErrorEntityID, attachments);
Validate Successful Request:
The method ZC.Issues.sendAttachments returns the result of the operation
zsfjira.ZCBeans.AttachmentRequestResult requestResult = zsfjira.ZC.Issues.sendAttachments(onErrorEntityID, attachments);