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zAgileConnect 1.10

Release 1.10.1

Release Date:  May 21, 2018

Limited Release; Available for Jira Server and Jira DataCenter only


  • zAgileConnect Release 1.10.1 is an important update to address an issue encountered with Case-Issue Field Mapping configuration page (screenshot below) when deployed in the Salesforce Summer ’18 Release.  This patch update is recommended for all customers with zAgileConnect 1.10 package, ahead of the Salesforce Summer ’18 rollout to production and sandbox orgs.
  • Presence of a custom field in any Master-Detail junction object related to ZIssue causes null pointer exceptions in a variety of situations.  Custom fields, as a consequence, were not allowed in ZIssue-related junction objects.  This has been fixed in 1.10.1.

Use this URL to install the package into any organization:

Note: If you are installing into a sandbox organization you must replace the initial portion of the URL with

What Happens If You Do Not Upgrade?

Without this patch, the Configuration below will not be able to retrieve and display existing Case-Issue Field Mapping or allow you to configure any new mapping.  However, existing mapping will continue to function for Issue created or updated from Salesforce.

Release 1.10

Release Date: April 2, 2018

Limited Release; Currently only available for Jira Server and Jira DataCenter.  Please contact us for access to the Salesforce package and Jira Add-on for this release


Integration of Salesforce Objects, including Custom Objects

With Release v1.10, zAgileConnect now supports the integration of not only Case but also other Salesforce objects, including custom objects, with Jira Issue. This has been the primary focus of this release.

Please note that to achieve this, the Salesforce object must be able to be on the Master side of the Master-Detail relationship. This currently is not supported for User and Lead objects since neither is allowed to be defined as Master. Therefore, these objects cannot be directly integrated with JIRA Issues. For more information on this constraint, please refer to the following documentation from Salesforce:

For more information on this capability, please refer to the following:


Support for Salesforce Files

Files sent from Jira may be sent either as Attachments (if supported by the receiving object) or Salesforce Files. This is a general configurable option in the zAgileConnect Salesforce package and applies to all files sent from Jira to Salesforce. This mode in effect is also indicated to the user in a pop up when a file is selected to be sent to a Salesforce object.

Pagination of Search Results

Search for Jira Issues in Salesforce is no longer limited to 10 best matches. With Rel 1.10, Jira Issue Search will return 10 matches at a time and support pagination of subsequent results sets.

Please note that Linking of Issues with a Case from the Search Result set may only be performed on the current page.

Salesforce Fields Mapped to Jira Flagged if not accessible to Integration User

Fields that are mapped to be shared with Jira in zAgileConnect configuration are validated for access from Jira and marked if not accessible during the configuration.

Quick Action Button in Jira for Posting Comments to Salesforce

In addition to #Salesforce tag that allows a Jira Comment to be posted to Salesforce, a button (Share with SF) is also available which will perform the same action. Since Comments may be sent to multiple different types of Salesforce Objects, the button initiates a pop up to allow the selection of Object(s) to which the Comments are to be posted. For Case, Comments may be posted to Feed or Case Comments. For other Salesforce Objects, Comments will be posted to the respective Feed.

Issue Creation API Support Override of User Masquerading

User Masquerading is a feature available with zAgileConnect for Jira Server whereby creation and updates to Jira Issues may use the Jira account associated with the Salesforce User initiating the transaction. This is achieved by matching the email address in the User’s Salesforce profile with that in Jira to find a corresponding JIRA Account for the User. If no match exists (i.e. zAgileConnect is not able to find a corresponding JIRA Account for the User, credentials of the Integration User are used in the transaction, and the permissions associated with the Integration User Account.

In the Issue Update API, with Rel v1.10, it is possible to override this option and force the transaction to use Integration User credentials for creating the JIRA Issue.

Upgrading to Release v1.10 for Jira Server

zAgileConnect Release v1.10 comprises of Salesforce package and Jira Add-on. Upgrade is required in both applications to ensure compatibility. Both may be upgraded directly from their respective marketplaces (or available from zAgile).

Please note that we strongly recommend backing up your data prior to performing the upgrades. In Salesforce, especially, a downgrade is not possible and an uninstall will be required to revert to an earlier/older release. Uninstall will also delete all existing package-related data requiring manual import steps if reversion is needed. As a best practice, we also strongly recommend performing upgrades in a sandbox environment to ensure compatibility with other packages, plugins and customizations.

Backing up of Jira Add-on data is accomplished via the Backup/Restore options available with the zAgileConnect Add-on in the Admin Configuration section. This option backs up the Add-on specific data in Jira Active objects, including the configuration.

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