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Integrating Salesforce with JIRA Data Center


zAgileConnect supports JIRA Data Center (JIRA DC) for customers who have deployed multiple JIRA Server instances in a cluster topology.  The key characteristics of this topology relevant for zAgileConnect, in the current JIRA DC implementation, are as follows:

  • Shared database across multiple JIRA instances
  • Replicated Lucene index between JIRA instances
  • Replicated internal cache between JIRA instances
  • Shared Attachment repository
  • Shared Plugin repository

The most critical of these is the replication of internal caches and index across multiple JIRAs.  zAgileConnect for JIRA DC is implemented to account for potential latency in these replication events.

Using zAgileConnect with Jira Data Center requires an additional license in addition to the zAgileConnect seat licensing. To obtain the additional pricing and plugin for JIRA DC, please contact sales @

Installation of zAgileConnect for JIRA DC

The installation of zAgileConnect for JIRA DC follows the same steps as that of JIRA Server.  There are a few additional configuration items (described below) to consider after the installation is completed.

To follow the steps to install zAgileConnect for JIRA Server and Data Center, please follow the link: Installing zAgileConnect for JIRA Server or Data Center

If you are upgrading zAgileConnect plugin for JIRA DC, please uninstall the existing plugin and reinstall the upgraded version. We have noticed inconsistent behavior in JIRA DC when directly upgrading the plugin.

JIRA Data Center Add-on Compatibility Matrix

Please contact zAgile for download instructions for zAgileConnect Add-on for Jira Data Center

JIRA Data Center Add-on Compatibility Matrix

Please contact zAgile for download instructions for zAgileConnect Add-on for Jira Data Center




7.1 – 7.13

8.1 – 8.20.1ZSalesforceJIRA-1.14.0-8-DC.jar



For compatible versions not listed above, please contact zAgile Support for availability.

Configuration of zAgileConnect for JIRA DC

To address concurrent updates to Salesforce from multiple JIRA instances, as well as to ensure that the updates are picking up the latest changes (accounting for latency in cache replication), zAgileConnect provides the following configurable options that may be tuned for your specific cluster topology:

Interval between successive issue events sent to Salesforce

This option determines the time interval between successive Issue updates sent to Salesforce.  In heavily active JIRA instances, the option to send updates every ‘n’ seconds reduces overall traffic to Salesforce.  All Issue updates are batched and applied to Salesforce in batches.  The default value is 10 seconds, implying that all Issue events within a period of 10 seconds will be sent as a single batch.

Delay interval between issue update event notification and Issue update in Salesforce

This option determines how often JIRA issue updates are sent to Salesforce.  In heavily active JIRA instances, the option to send updates every ‘n’ seconds reduces overall traffic to Salesforce.  All Issue updates are batched and applied to Salesforce in batches.  The default value is 10 seconds, implying that an issue update may take up to 10 seconds to be reflected in Salesforce.

Max number of issue events sent to Salesforce per request

In an active JIRA environment with multiple instances, it may be necessary to control how many updates may be sent to Salesforce in a single batch to maintain within Salesforce limits.  The default value is 75.

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