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Enabling Salesforce Objects to be Searchable and Updatable from Slack

Often, Slack users will want to either query Salesforce for specific details related to an object, update a Salesforce object from Slack, or post messages directly to a Salesforce object from Slack.  For example, requesting status of an Opportunity, updating its Stage, or posting a message and/or file to an Opportunity that is needed by the Sales team – all from Slack.  To allow Chat:Bridge to be able to search (and optionally update) these objects, they must be selected in this step.

With Chat:Bridge 1.5, you must also configure Search and Summary fields for each object.  This allows for a search dialog panel in Slack where you can specify values related to a field to be searched.  The fields configured will also be returned as part of the search results for each object that matches the search criteria.

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