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Chat:Bridge Installation and Configuration

Estimated time for setup ~ 60 minutes

Admin privileges will be required for Salesforce and Slack to install and configure the respective Chat:Bridge components


Before embarking on the installation and configuration steps for Chat:Bridge, please make sure to have the following prerequisites available or completed.

  • A Salesforce integration account that will be used from Slack for all communications to Salesforce.  For required permissions associated with this account, please refer to Chat:Bridge Salesforce Integration User Permissions, especially if you plan to configure permission sets to manage Slack integration access.
  • A Slack Team that is the target for message exchanges with your Salesforce instance.
  • Admin privileges for Salesforce and Slack to install and configure the respective applications.
  • A Remote Site Setting in Salesforce corresponding to your Salesforce org URL where Chat:Bridge will be installed.
  • Custom page layouts to share specific context related to Salesforce objects with Slack users.  For more on this, please refer to Chat:Bridge – Custom page layouts for sharing with Slack users.

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