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Integrating multiple Salesforce orgs with a single Jira Server or Jira Data Center instance

The following instructions apply to customers with pre-1.16 version of zAgileConnect who wish to integrate additional Salesforce org to their existing on-premise Jira

To enable support for integrating multiple Salesforce orgs, Salesforce-Issue relationships that corresponds to the existing Salesforce org need to be migrated prior to integrating additional orgs.

Upgrade to zAgileConnect 1.16.x

Install 1.16 Salesforce Package and corresponding Jira Add-on (for Jira Server and Jira Data Center) by following the Upgrading zAgileConnect to v1.16 instructions.

Confirm Data is Migrated for Multi-Salesforce support

Go to https://<JIRA_BASE_URL>/secure/ZDataMigrationMonitor.jspa (replace JIRA_BASE_URL with your Jira Server or Data Center URL) and confirm there is no Salesforce-Issue relationships to be migrated.

In this page you can also monitor the progress of the migration (or manually start it if needed).

Connect a second Salesforce Org to Jira

1. Make sure the existing Salesforce connection is marked as Default

Go to Jira Administration → Manage Apps → zAgileConnect section → Salesforce Authentication and make sure your Salesforce is marked as 'Default Org'. You can also edit the connection and set a custom Alias.

2. Add a new Salesforce Connection and configure it

The following steps apply to the second Salesforce org that is to be integrated with Jira:

  1. Installing the Salesforce Package
  2. Defining JIRA as a Remote Site to the Salesforce instance
  3. Creating a Self-signed Certificate for JIRA Application Link
  4. Adding Salesforce to JIRA Application Links
  5. (V1.11) Assign zAgileConnect Permission Sets
  6. Authenticating Salesforce & Jira - Sign in to Jira

In Jira Administration → Manage Apps → zAgileConnect section → Salesforce Authentication, add a new Salesforce connection, specify an Alias and Login to Salesforce.

Finally finish the rest of the configuration in Salesforce following Configuring zAgileConnect, specifically Configuration Steps (3 thru 7).

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